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Charlotte 704-659-0007 Monroe 704-228-4488 Cornelius 704-228-2790

Try These Co-Parenting Apps

Close up of a man using mobile smart phone

These days, there is an app to help with pretty much anything. Did you know that there are also apps to assist co-parenting? With summer just around the corner and more spare time on your hands, it might be helpful for you and your co-parent to have access to shared calendars and other organization tools. Rech Law, P.C. can help recommend great co-parenting apps that will benefit you, your fellow co-parent, and your children.

1. Co-Parently

This app provides co-parents with access to shared calendars and messaging platforms for parental communication. It gives co-parents one place to access important information, such as budgets or phone numbers. You can even grant other individuals access, so they can also view your child’s schedule.

2. Custody Connection

If you and your co-parent both have iPhones, a great app you can use is Custody Connection. This will provide you with the ability to plan out custody swaps or other potential schedule changes. Perhaps the best feature of this app is that you can put in requests for changes, which will automatically update in the calendar once approved.

3. Cozi

Cozi is actually intended to be utilized as a cohesive family organizer app. However, this is a great free option for co-parents and helps them remain on the same page. There is an easy-to-use calendar, which can also be shared with other individuals involved in the child’s life. You can even upload and share photos.

Helpful Custody Lawyers

The team at Rech Law, P.C. understands how important it is to maintain visitation with your children. While apps can help with organizing and coordinating schedules, they will not necessarily prevent other issues from arising. If you are concerned about your custody agreement, it is important to seek out legal advice. Our Charlotte child custody lawyers are here to provide you with the assistance you need.


Call our team today for assistance with custody or visitation at (704) 659-0007.
